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Retirement planning doesn't have to be complicated.

Your Retirement. Our Focus.

The Freedom

I hope that each of you had a wonderful first half of 2024.  Kel and I had the opportunity to celebrate the 4th of July with Ross, Reid, Cole, and Parker in Washington D.C. Standing in our nation's capital, surrounded by the symbols of our freedom and history, was a powerful reminder of the liberties we enjoy and the responsibilities we carry.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan

As we reflect on the freedoms we cherish in America, it's an opportune moment to consider how these same principles can be applied in our pursuit of a sound financial future.

1. The Freedom of Choice: In America, the freedom to choose is a cornerstone of our democracy. Similarly, in investing, you have the freedom to choose how and where to allocate your resources. Our job is to help you choose the investments and managers that are best suited to helping you reach your lifetime financial goals.

2. The Freedom to Innovate: Innovation drives our nation forward, creating new industries and opportunities. By investing in companies that are at the forefront of technological and industrial advancements, we position ourselves to gain from the economic growth driven by innovation.

3. The Freedom to Plan for the Future: The freedom to plan and dream about the future is intrinsic to the American spirit. As goal-focused, plan-driven, long-term investors, our portfolios are derived from and driven by your lifetime financial goals, not from any view of the economy, the markets, or current events. We do not believe the economy can be consistently forecast, nor the markets consistently timed. We do not believe it is possible to gain any advantage by going in and out of the markets, regardless of current conditions. Working alongside you to set clear financial goals and developing a comprehensive plan to pursue them is what we love to do.

4. The Freedom to Be Resilient: Resilience is a defining characteristic of our nation, and it is equally vital in investing. Market fluctuations and economic uncertainties are inevitable, but a resilient investor remains steadfast. We are prepared to ride out the market's frequent, often significant but historically always temporary declines.

With this being a presidential election year, emotions will run high, and market volatility can increase. The more we focus on the ownership of the companies we hold, the more we're able to tune out the noise, and the less danger we will be in of emotional overreaction to gyrations in "the stock market." I believe in our plan, and I like what we own.

Thank you as always for being our clients. It is a tremendous privilege to serve you.

Warm regards,

Bain Nickels, CFP®,CKA®






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